A wide variety of health and vitamins — The company Total Health Vitamins

Totaldiscountvitamins com is a company that has been in existence for almost 3 decades.

The company has retail stores as well as an online store and offers a wide variety of health and vitamins.

Total Health Vitamins — Total Health offers a huge selection of brand name vitamins, dietary supplements and more at deeply discounted prices.

Free Shipping on orders over $25 US 48 states (may be subject to a surcharge if over 5 lbs; we’ll call for your approval if surcharge applies).

$6.95 shipping for orders under $25

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Gluten Free

Kosher Vitamins

Doctors Vitamins




Designs for Health

DaVinci Labs

Douglas Labs


Integrative Therapeutics

Klean Athlete



Phresh Products

Progressive Labs

Pure Encapsulations

Pure Solutions

TotalHealthVitamins - Total Health offers a huge selection of brand name vitamins, dietary supplements and more at deeply discounted prices-thdv.com

totaldiscountvitamins.com site

Total Health Vitamins
Country : USA
postalCode : NY 11735
Street : 120 Broadhollow Rd, Farmingdale
Telephone : 800-283-2833
E-mail : customerservice@thdv.com